Disruptive Innovation Inspires the Healthy Food MarketDisruptive Innovation Inspires the Healthy Food Market
Listen in as two companies, both of whom were recognized by the South Eastern IFT's Disruptive Innovation Challenge, talk about their disruptive products and ingredients.
Health and wellness resonates like never before, and producers and consumers alike are seeking ingredients and solutions that will support healthier lives. SupplySide Network 365 brings you a frank conversation with two companies recently recognized by the South Eastern IFT in its Disruptive Innovation Challenge. Discover how Pradeep Akkunoor, founder of Laiki Crackers, uncovered the nutrient and taste combo of black and red rice from Thailand for his disruptive snack product. And hear from AgriFiber Solutions’ president, Dr. Beate Lloyd, on how upcycling of residual agricultural materials has created a disruptive ingredient with greater functional and health benefits compared to traditional fiber ingredients. Get inspired to deliver greater innovation to the broader food and beverage market through our discussion with these cutting-edge market leaders.
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